Students at sign up table

Current Students

Current students, please click and read through the following procedures. If you have additional questions, connect with your advisor here

  • Registration (Current Students Only)
    Important Dates and Deadlines
    Student enrollment appointments become viewable in R'Web May 9, 2024
    Registration Opens May 20, 2024
    Last Day to Register  October 11, 2024
    Last Day to Add Course without Dean Approval (no fee & MUST fill out Enrollment Adjustment form)  October 18, 2024 at NOON 
    Last Day to Withdraw from Course  (no fee) October 18, 2024
    Last Day to Change Grading Basis (no fee)  October 18, 2024
    Last Day to Withdraw from Course  ($4 fee & MUST fill out Enrollment Adjustment form)  November 18, 2024 at NOON
    Last Day to Change Grading Basis ($4 fee)  November 22, 2024
    Updating Your Number of Units

    Courses with variable units will default to one unit. You will have to change the number of units. Below are general instructions and  instructions for updating units in variable unit courses.

    Step 1: Get permission from your instructor or the enrollment manager

    • If you wish to take a BIEN or CEE graduate course but do not have the prerequisites, email the instructor for permission (and carbon copy your Graduate Student Affairs Officer).The enrollment restriction will be removed based on the faculty member’s response.
    • If you wish to take an upper-division undergraduate course in BCOE (BIEN, CEE, CHE, ECE, ENVE, ENGR,ME, or MSE), click the following link to get permission from the undergraduate program:
    • If you wish to take a course in CNAS, click the following link to get permission from the enrollment manager for that college:
    • If you wish to take a course in CHASS, click the following link to get permission from the enrollment manager for that college:

    Step 2: Update the number of units in R’Web

    1. Click Schedule Options on the tab header, and your schedule should appear.
    2. Navigate to the Variable Unit Section, and the unit number should be underlined.
    3. Click on the unit, and you will be prompted to edit the units for the section.
    4. Enter the number of units that you wish to take.
    5. Press submit, and the units will update.
    Clearing Holds

    Also, be sure to clear any holds that you may have. Your Graduate Student Affairs Officer cannot remove a hold placed by another department. You will have to work with the department that issued the hold.

  • Full-Time Enrollment

    Unless on filing fee or approved for half-time status, all students must be enrolled in 12 units.  Graduate Division submits reports to GSAO’s that list students that are enrolled in less than 12 units or not enrolled.  

    Enrollment  for the Winter Quarter will remain open until October 11, 2024, but it is highly recommended for students to update their enrollment as soon as possible.

    Special Topics courses (250 -269) and research courses (297 and 299) are variable unit courses and default to 1 unit.  You must update the number of units after registering. See “Registration” section above for instructions on how to update your number of units.

  • Filing Fee

    For students wishing to go on Filing Fee status for the Fall 2024 quarter, the deadline is September 1, 2024. 

    Who qualifies for a Filing Fee Status?
    • A Ph.D. student who has completed all degree requirements with the exception of filing the dissertation and the final defense
    • A Master’s student who has completed all degree requirements with the exception of filing the thesis/field report/project or completing an exam
    When does a student qualify for Filing Fee Status?
    • Their final quarter (instead of paying full registration fees)
    While a Ph.D. student is on Filing Fee status, their dissertation/thesis:
    • Must have been has been read and approved by their committee
    • Only minor revisions need to be made
    • No more than 12 hours of faculty time will be required
    While a Master’s student is on Filing Fee status:
    • An Application for Candidacy must be filed with or before the Filing Fee petition. 
    • Must have three quarters of residency
    • Must have a 3.0 GPA
    Additional information:

    Students can use Filing Fee Status the quarter after being on Leave of Absence. They may also readmit on Filing Fee Status.

    Only one quarter on Filing Fee Status is allowed.

    • The only exception is if a student fails the master’s comprehensive exam, in which case a retake of the exam on Filing Fee Status is allowed.
    • Students who fail to complete their degree programs by the appropriate deadline while on Filing Fees Status must register and pay full fees for the following quarter. 
    What University resources will I have access to while on Filing Fee status?

    Students on Filing Fee Status do not pay regular tuition and fees, nor do they enroll in coursework. Therefore, they are not entitled to University student privileges or use of University facilities, such as the Student Recreation Center. However, students on Filing Fee Status still have access to the Library. 

    Students on Filing Fee Status are not enrolled in the medical insurance program but may purchase Health Insurance (albeit at a higher rate) if enrolled in GSHIP the previous quarter. 

    What about student employment and financial support? 

    Students on Filing Fee Status may NOT be employed with any student employment title such as GSR, TA, or Associate-In. Additionally, they cannot receive University fellowships/loans. 

    What fees will I be responsible for? 

    Students on Filing Fee pay one-half of the Student Services Fee.

  • Non-Resident Student Tuition

    Graduate Division has continued to offer students 12 quarters of reduced NRST after advancement.  The deadline to apply for the Fall Quarter is September 1, 2024.  In order to qualify, you must meet the criteria and follow the procedure below.


    Students requesting the reduction must fall into one of two categories:

    1. Have entered the PHD program in cohorts between Fall 2014 and Fall 2019 for programs with a 6 year normative time or
    2. Have entered the PHD program in cohorts between Fall 2015 and Fall 2019 for programs with a 5 year normative time

    Students must at least be in their 9th quarter after advancement to candidacy to request the initial extension for the 10th quarter.


    • The request is initiated by the student via R’GRAD.
    • Students will enter the name of their program Graduate Advisor and Graduate Program Coordinator. The petition will then route for review.
    • All requests will be reviewed to confirm they meet the criteria outlined above by the Director of Graduate Academic Affairs.
    • If the request is eligible for the reduction, student fees will be adjusted to eliminate the NRST for the requested quarter. 
    • Extensions will only be permitted one quarter at a time, meaning they can only be requested in the quarter prior to the quarter the reduction is needed. Students must request the extension each quarter it is needed. Multiple quarters of reduction will not be permitted in one request.
    • Deadlines – the deadline to apply for the reduction in the next quarter is:
      • Fall – September 1st
      • Winter – December 1st
      • Spring – March 1st
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